Friday, May 12, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 1

"Hurry up, if not, we will leave without you!" Ashton's mum shouted across the house. They were preparing to leave for Sentosa, for it is a Public Holiday, and they are spending a day having fun out there.

"Give me some time, i am finding my wallet!" replied Ashton as he franticly search for his wallet.

Ashton Tan, a 20 year old youth, who is studying in polytechnic doing his final year.

Running through the messy drawers, he found his wallet, but not only that... Suddenly something caught his eyes... Something familiar. He reach out to it, and memories started to play back in his mind. It was a letter. A letter that was written by someone who meant so important to him. At that moment, it was like time has stop and everything quieten down. Ashton went into deep thoughts. But the silence was broken when his mum urged him to hurry. He grabbed his wallet and the letter in a rush and left the house.

On the journey to Harbourfront, he took out the letter and started reading it in his heart, word by word, memories played in his mind like a movie...

It was 4 years ago... Ashton was still studying in a neighbourhood secondary school, doing his O' Levels that year. All along his secondary school life, he was not really doing well for his studies, and on top of that, mixing around with the wrong company deteroriated his results even more. But one person change all of that, a person who may not seemed significant or abled.

Ashton has another group of good friends: Angelina, Justine, Darren, and Ronald, always wanted Ashton to tag along to study together for their exams. But with his playful character, he had never appeared in any of their study outings. He join them for anything fun except studying.

One day, they were having a day out in bugis planning to catch a movie, and Angelina brought her twin sister, Angel, along with her. That was the first time, Ashton got to know Angel...


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