Saturday, May 20, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 6

What is love? Love is a force that keep people going, Love is an energy that give people power to overcome problems, not alone but together. So does true love means smooth sailing? No... In fact true love have even more obstacles than anything else. Problems and difficulties will come your way and test the love a couple share, test the faith each of them have, but the most important is test the willpower of them to move on as one.

So even between Ashton and Angel, would gurantee to have obstacles ahead of them. In fact, only 1 and a half months into the relationship, they met with a super big obstacle already - Parent Objection.

Angel's mum got to know about them when Angelina shared with her. Even though Angelina put in a good word for Ashton, it did not change the impression her mum had. Due to the previous boyfriend Angel had, took advantage of her disablity and cause her to have alot of heartbreaks, her mum sterotyped the guys who were chasing after her as people who will take advantage of her. And thus, she always forbid her to have a boyfriend before entering university.

Since the day her mum found out about them, she was very hostile towards Ashton, forbiding him to see her, and grounded Angel. It was a very tough time for both of them.

At a point of time, in order not to put Angel at a spot, even breaking up came across Ashton's mind. But it was Angel's boldness and perseverance changed his mentality.

There was once, Angel had an argument with her mum over the relationship with Ashton. Her mum insisted Ashton was not a good man for her, as she keep thinking Ashton got with her just to cheat her and take her advantage. Angel love Ashton like no one else, and she trust in him with all she had. The arguement was so serious until, Angel left the house that she grew up in.

For a girl who was a good behaving child, to react in such a way, was totally unbelievable. But deep down in her heart, she knew, she would do anything just for Ashton, cause she knew it was all worth it.

When Ashton got to know about it, on one hand, he was happy cause he know how much he meant to her, on the other hand, he got very worried, as he did not want her relationship with her mum get worsen because of him. Finally, he got the help from his own parents who are very supportive of them.

For the next one week, Angel stayed at Ashton's house, while Ashton's mum informed Angel's mum that she was save and sound, and would encourage her to return home after a week. And throughout this week staying with Ashton's family, Ashton's family got to know her more, and they loved her even more as they found out Angel was really a nice and lovely girl.

Even people may look at it as a big problem ahead, but to both of them, it was a memorable memory to stay under the same roof with someone they loved, seeing each other everyday. Thus, allowing their love for each other to grow even more strong. It was this event, that let them knew, nothing can stop them if they overcome it together.

And after the week had passed, Angel finally return home, and everything got reconciled, through the peacemaking of Ashton's mum. And the biggest miracle was, Angel's mum allowed them together, after seeing the sincerity of Ashton taking care of Angel, and loving her.

And after all that happened, they promised to each other, no matter what, they will overcome everything together, with the love they shared.


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