Sunday, July 16, 2006

Chapter 4

From the day Celynn went to his office, their friendship grew.
Celynn kept encouraging him to act out his care and concern to Sherline, so that there would be some progress. But that was one mental barrier Kris could not break through. He was afraid of being rejected and lost a good friend. So everytime, when Kris got something in his heart for Sherline, in the end, he would always share it with Celynn instead.

At the very same time, Celynn's relationship with Clemence was going on a down slope, they quarrelled frequently over small issues, and Celynn was very affected by it at that time. Having no one to turn to, she turn to Kris about her relationship problems too. So Kris always confide in Celynn about Sherline, and vice versa, Celynn confide in him about Clemence. And gradually, the two of them became strong pillar of support for each other, in times of problems.

Then one day, after much encouragement from Celynn, Kris finally plucked out all his courage and express his admiration towards Sherline.

Using the method Celynn taught him; during the Annual School Fun Fair, Kris dedicated a song to Sherline, and told her that he likes her. He really took a big step of faith. Sherline was very very touched by what he had done, but instead of happily ever after, Sherline told him, that she wants to focus on her studies at that moment of time, and did not want to be distracted, and told him he deserves a better girl that reciprocrate his love back.

Kris did not know whether to be happy or sad at that point of time. But in his heart, disappointed overwhelmed him. So much sadness engulf his emotions, that he did not know how to respond to it.
Chapter 3

At that point of time, Kris was actually attracted to another girl, Sherline, who concindentally was Celynn's classmate and good friend. It was because of Sherline, Kris and Celynn got to know each other more.

Kris liked Sherline for quite some time, but did not dare to express his interest to her. Superficially, they are a pair of close friends, but deep down in Kris' heart, there was a deep affection. Kris did not know what to do in order to win her heart. Therefore, he asked Clemence for advice for he did not have a girlfriend before.

And who knows, one day, Celynn went to his office and asked if he like Sherline. Kris was surprised, as he told no one else but Clemence. That was when he found out that, Clemence had told everything to Celynn. Even though he felt a bit of being betrayed by Clemence, Kris opened his heart to Celynn. And both of them spend the next few hours talking about Sherline. Celynn even promised him that she would help him in any way she could.

And that was the start of them understanding each other more...

Friday, July 07, 2006

Chapter 2

It all started because of a giant inflatable ball. Sounds weird right? Well, that was how it started.

During the Sports Day that year, alot of new competition were included, rather than the old traditional track events. And one particular new event was that 2 teams had to compete each other by pushing a enormous inflatable ball to each other's area, something similar to Tug-of-War. And Kris was in charge to take care of this event.

Through out the Sports' Day, Kris sat at the commentators' table, overlooking the whole stadium. And after that event, some of the students went and help to deflate the air out of the ball. And Kris' junior, Altec tried his best to deflate it, and he jump on to the ball and got bounced off. Kris saw it and joked with the people at the commentators' table about it, and everyone broke out in laughter. And one of the commentators was none other than Celynn. But at that point of time, they didn't know each other nor even know each other's name. But they just laugh with each other hilariously.

But the first time they really got together was quite some time later.

During a lunch break one day, Kris went to the computer room to do some stuff. And there was Celynn, sitting beside him, but both of them did not really remember nor notice each other. It was only when, Kris' god brother, Clemence came in and talked to Celynn, then Kris recall her from his memory. And that was also when he got to know, that actually Celynn is the girlfriend of Clemence.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Chapter 1

Standing under the hot sun, with such unbearable heat, Kris made his way back to his alma mater. It is the Annual Teachers' Day Celebration Concert. Kris went back just to visit his secondary school's teachers, and also to see the concert which he will go back to see every year.

Walking under the sheltered walk-way, he saw a few familiar faces. They are their old classmates, Dennis and Michelle.

"Hey, Kris, how have you been? Heard that this year concert is going to be great" Dennis asked.

"Me still doing fine... Ya, I am looking forward to it too..." Kris replied

"I heard Cel is the Emcee for the concert eh..." Michelle blurted out suddenly

Dennis could not even stop her in time...

At the mention of that name, Kris broke into silence immediately.

"Sorry Kris, didn't mean to mention her..." Michelle apologized awkwardly.

"It is alright, i am fine. Don't worry." Kris smiled.

The three of them, went ahead to find their respective ex-teachers. And finally, the concert is going to start any moment. Kris stood behind one of the pillar. And there she is, the emcee of the concert, Celynn walked to the centre of the stage starting the concert.

At the sight of her, even when Kris mentioned it was alright to him, but still mixed feelings floated in his hearts... Who is this Celynn that makes Kris react in such a manner? What really happen between both of them, that cause Kris to have such strong emotions within him?

It dated all the way back to the year he just finish his O Level's. After the last paper, Kris went on a long vacation, travelling overseas. And because he plans to go to polytechnic, therefore he had a 8 month long holiday. After 3 months of long vacation, he finally decided to find a job for the first time. He decided to go back to his secondary school and ask if there are any available roles to help out. And there he was, he got a job of a PE assistant, whom assist the PE Department and look after all the equipments in the PE Room. And there was where the story begins.