Monday, August 07, 2006

Chapter 5

With such a big disappointment, Kris could not concentrate in whatever he was doing. He hate that feeling, and I guess everyone hate that kind of feelings too. He everyday literally had to pull himself up. He tried to leave it alone and just do as normal. But, without fail, at times alone.... Thoughts will start flooding his mind, emotions engulfing his heart. It was like a cycle he could not break.

But right at that moment, someone, reached out with a helping hand, hand contained with care, love and concern. Celynn, couldn't bear to see Kris at such a state, for she partially blamed herself for encouraging Kris to go for it.

Celynn would everyday without fail, wait for Kris to knock off, and walk to the town center together for a meal, before going home together, for they stayed quite near each other.
Even at the moment when he felt he was at the bottom of the pit, there was always this one person who will cheer him up, and bring a smile to him. And Kris really really appreciated that alot. For it was Celynn alone who really helped him out.

When everything was alright, Kris got back to his normal self, another case happen, and now this time, Celynn was greatly affected by it. Celynn got involved in a big quarrel with Clemence, and it got so serious that, Clemence initiated a break up with her. Kris tried to pull them together, but his effort was all wasted. Clemence was very sure and certain about the break up. and Celynn got so hurt that she didn't even bother to say anything, and simply just walked off, trying to control her tears, which she was not successful.


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