Thursday, May 25, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 8

O' Level was over for 2 week already, and yet, Angel could not be found. Ashton got very worried. For the past week, Ashton tried to locate her, but to no avail. He tried to ask Angelina what had happened, but Angelina decline to tell him anything.

Ashton felt so helpless, he wondered what went wrong, why Angel just suddenly disappear. Every single day, he tried to find out about her from her family, but no one told him what had happened. Even Angelina suddenly became very cold towards him, became distant away from him.

His heart was in a total mess. He felt as if his whole world had collasped. Day after day, without fail, he went to her house and try to find her. But everytime he went, it was either her parents dun allow him in, or no one is at home.

But everyday without fail, he went to her house, in hope just to see her for once and find out what happened, if she really do not want to go on with him, at least he want to know why.

Until one day... That fateful day when the truth was revealed....

Ashton went to her house again, he stood outside the door for hours. And finally, at that moment of time, Angelina came back home from school. She was shock to see him waiting outside the door. She don't know what to say... Ashton beg her to tell him why Angel do not want to see him.

Under such tense atmosphere, Angelina finally gave in, she let him in the house. And behold right in front of him, was the answer to all his doubts and heartbreaks.

Right in front of him was a picture of Angel.... In black and white...

Ashton could not believe what he saw... He was dumbfounded totally, and the atmosphere was just a total silence.

When reality hit him back hard again, he fell to the ground, totally broken down.

Right at that moment, no words could describe the pain he was going through, it was like a thousand knife running through and fro his heart. And all he could ever do was just to cry. He totally lost control of his emotions. Running through his mind was a total blank. He didn't know how to react.

On seeing this, Angelina couldn't hold her tears anymore, she hug him and cried, and explain to him, what happened actually......

In August, Angel went for a body check up, cause she has been feeling weak all along. And the doctor found out that she was suffering from leukemia, and it was in the terminal stage. She was very devastated by that very fact, all the dreams she had: going to polytechnic together with Ashton, and most of all starting a wonderful family with Ashton, were all crushed. She didn't know how to let Ashton know, cause she knew if Ashton knows about it, he coudln't take the blow. And his studies will be totally affected. She couldn't bear to see the hard work Ashton had put in, gone to a total waste. And not because of her, and his future be ruin. Therefore, she decided not to tell him, and she made sure her whole family to keep it from him.

During September, when they both start to prepare their O' Levels alone. The truth was, actually she was undergoing chemotherapy treatments. And she don't want Ashton to see the state she was in, with all her beautiful soft hair, all falling apart. The lovely healthy her to a pale, skinny her. She couldn't bear to see the face of him being heartbroken. She rather go through it all by herself, and walk the last lap of her life all by herself.

And she finally passed away days before the O' Levels ended. Her funeral was settled discreetly, which was her last will, so that Ashton won't find out.

And there and then, Angelina pass Ashton something, it was a letter... A letter written by Angel, before she left. To this day, he could never forget what was written in the letter.

"Hey dearest,

I am sorry, that i keep this from you. I myself don't know what to say. I don't want to see you sad. So don't be sad, ok?
Just want you to know, you are the one I love the most in my whole life. You are the one who brought the greatest joy to me. Thank you for loving me, even though, we could not fulfil the dreams we had together. But I am sure, there will be someone out there who will take care of you for me. Don't think too much ok? No matter what, I will always watch over you in heaven. You will get to see me in heaven one day, right? So cheer up la... =)

There is so much more I want to say to you, but I don't know how to say. But i guess these words sums it all...

I Love You...

Loving you always,
your guardian,

Reading those words, with tears whelmed in his eyes.

And right then, the taxi stopped, and in front of him was Sentosa.

He stepped out of the taxi, took a deep breath, stare into the sky...

He smiled as he start his exciting day ahead of him. Till this day, Angel is still living in his heart, in a very important position, as someone he will forever in love with...

--==[THE END]==--


Blogger loving~you~till~the~end said...

nice story....from chap 1 to chap 8.....its very nice and touching.... ^.^

10:13 PM  
Blogger Jasleen said...

hey... thou seems quite typical for a love story, i cried while reading the "letter"... i enjoyed reading it...

waiting for you to book out!

1:10 AM  

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