Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Chapter 7

It was already past 3 o'clock in the morning, Celynn was still tossing and turning in her bed, couldn't get to sleep. She felt very lost. Right then, her handphone rang. It was a message. She picked up the phone and wonder who message her at such an hour. And there it was, it was from Kris.

"Hey, I guess you will be having difficulties in getting to sleep tonight. No matter what, don't think too much ok? You can always find someone who really truely cares for you and take care of you. If you still can't get to sleep, need someone to talk, give me a call, ok? Take care and rest well. =)"

Celynn was touched by this simple message, even though it may seem simple, but the meaning behind it was not something everyone would understand. Celynn had never felt so much care from anyone before, a simple yet unconditional care and concern.

One week later...

Finally, it was the last day of school before June holidays, a time of relaxing and fun. Kris was clearing his stuff, cause the last day of school, also meant the last day of his work, for his Polytechnic School Term was going to start in July. After half a year of working there, it was finally the official farewell to the school, where he spent the most exiciting years of his life. There was so much reluctance, for he knew, the period ahead would be a very big transition period for him.

He was doing the final touch up of his documents and packing his belongings, when Celynn and some other came in and bid farewell to him. They planned to have lunch with him, but Kris got something on, therefore couldn't go. Celynn looked disappointed.

The walk out of the school compound, felt like a marathon. The usual short distance walk which only take him a few minutes, today felt like it took him hours. Each step along the way, memories of his secondary school life came back to his mind like a movie, and of course everything that had happened for the past half a year.

In his heart, he knew there was some unsettle business, but he choose to leave it as it is. And in the end, he came to the school gate, he took a last look at the school compound, and turn and walked away.

Is this the end of the story? Will the two of them who really have a liking for each other be seperated just because of this? Will the secret in their hearts be kept like this forever?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Chapter 6

Kris didn't know how to react or console her. But he knew his presence is vital to her, as she seriously need someone's accompany. Kris took her to the stadium opposite their school to cool down.

They sat there for hours. Celynn was in a distraught state, she tried her best to hold her tears in front of Clemence. But finally, alone with Kris, she couldn't control her sorrow and pressure anymore, and then and there, she broke down in tears. Kris knew no words could help to ease her pain, but it pains to see a friend in such a state. He just hold Celynn's head and lending his shoulder as a support, and told her to cry out as much as she want, and assuring her, everything is going to be fine.

Celynn could not stop crying. And don't know how long did she cried, she cried until she fell asleep on Kris' shoulder. Seeing that Celynn had finally calm down, he didn't want to wake her up, and just let her had a rest.

Finally, it was reaching evening time, Celynn woke up, and was embarrass by all the trouble she had cause Kris. Knew that Celynn had woke up, he just send her home.

That night, Celynn could not sleep well, partially because of Clemence, but was also because Kris. She felt that, even though Kris didn't say much, but she knew Kris cared for her alot. There was a area of mixed feelings, that she could not shake away. Especially with the picture of what happen today.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Chapter 5

With such a big disappointment, Kris could not concentrate in whatever he was doing. He hate that feeling, and I guess everyone hate that kind of feelings too. He everyday literally had to pull himself up. He tried to leave it alone and just do as normal. But, without fail, at times alone.... Thoughts will start flooding his mind, emotions engulfing his heart. It was like a cycle he could not break.

But right at that moment, someone, reached out with a helping hand, hand contained with care, love and concern. Celynn, couldn't bear to see Kris at such a state, for she partially blamed herself for encouraging Kris to go for it.

Celynn would everyday without fail, wait for Kris to knock off, and walk to the town center together for a meal, before going home together, for they stayed quite near each other.
Even at the moment when he felt he was at the bottom of the pit, there was always this one person who will cheer him up, and bring a smile to him. And Kris really really appreciated that alot. For it was Celynn alone who really helped him out.

When everything was alright, Kris got back to his normal self, another case happen, and now this time, Celynn was greatly affected by it. Celynn got involved in a big quarrel with Clemence, and it got so serious that, Clemence initiated a break up with her. Kris tried to pull them together, but his effort was all wasted. Clemence was very sure and certain about the break up. and Celynn got so hurt that she didn't even bother to say anything, and simply just walked off, trying to control her tears, which she was not successful.