Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Endless Regrets
Chapter 3

I first got to know her through the internet, IRC was one of the hottest thing around then. We chatted online and realised that she stayed very near me and her school was just 1 street away from my house. And more than that, She actually attends the same church as I am just that we were in different service only.

We had alot of things in common; having a passion for singing, similar likes and dislikes, having similar opinions on different stuff. All these were the catalyst to the strengthening of this friendship.

And slowly, we divert from not only communicating through internet, but to phone call as well. Everytime we talked on the phone, hours passed like minutes. And all were just still a mere plain friendship.

We didn't have the chance to meet up due to clashing schedules with the irony of we staying so near each other. But the opportunity finally came when she invited me to her school carnival one day....


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