Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dear readers... Cause i will be enlisting in next week... So it will be a long time since the next update on my stories... I had already come out with the storyline... But sorry that you have to wait until i can book out and update... Will try to put up abit of the story this few days....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 8

O' Level was over for 2 week already, and yet, Angel could not be found. Ashton got very worried. For the past week, Ashton tried to locate her, but to no avail. He tried to ask Angelina what had happened, but Angelina decline to tell him anything.

Ashton felt so helpless, he wondered what went wrong, why Angel just suddenly disappear. Every single day, he tried to find out about her from her family, but no one told him what had happened. Even Angelina suddenly became very cold towards him, became distant away from him.

His heart was in a total mess. He felt as if his whole world had collasped. Day after day, without fail, he went to her house and try to find her. But everytime he went, it was either her parents dun allow him in, or no one is at home.

But everyday without fail, he went to her house, in hope just to see her for once and find out what happened, if she really do not want to go on with him, at least he want to know why.

Until one day... That fateful day when the truth was revealed....

Ashton went to her house again, he stood outside the door for hours. And finally, at that moment of time, Angelina came back home from school. She was shock to see him waiting outside the door. She don't know what to say... Ashton beg her to tell him why Angel do not want to see him.

Under such tense atmosphere, Angelina finally gave in, she let him in the house. And behold right in front of him, was the answer to all his doubts and heartbreaks.

Right in front of him was a picture of Angel.... In black and white...

Ashton could not believe what he saw... He was dumbfounded totally, and the atmosphere was just a total silence.

When reality hit him back hard again, he fell to the ground, totally broken down.

Right at that moment, no words could describe the pain he was going through, it was like a thousand knife running through and fro his heart. And all he could ever do was just to cry. He totally lost control of his emotions. Running through his mind was a total blank. He didn't know how to react.

On seeing this, Angelina couldn't hold her tears anymore, she hug him and cried, and explain to him, what happened actually......

In August, Angel went for a body check up, cause she has been feeling weak all along. And the doctor found out that she was suffering from leukemia, and it was in the terminal stage. She was very devastated by that very fact, all the dreams she had: going to polytechnic together with Ashton, and most of all starting a wonderful family with Ashton, were all crushed. She didn't know how to let Ashton know, cause she knew if Ashton knows about it, he coudln't take the blow. And his studies will be totally affected. She couldn't bear to see the hard work Ashton had put in, gone to a total waste. And not because of her, and his future be ruin. Therefore, she decided not to tell him, and she made sure her whole family to keep it from him.

During September, when they both start to prepare their O' Levels alone. The truth was, actually she was undergoing chemotherapy treatments. And she don't want Ashton to see the state she was in, with all her beautiful soft hair, all falling apart. The lovely healthy her to a pale, skinny her. She couldn't bear to see the face of him being heartbroken. She rather go through it all by herself, and walk the last lap of her life all by herself.

And she finally passed away days before the O' Levels ended. Her funeral was settled discreetly, which was her last will, so that Ashton won't find out.

And there and then, Angelina pass Ashton something, it was a letter... A letter written by Angel, before she left. To this day, he could never forget what was written in the letter.

"Hey dearest,

I am sorry, that i keep this from you. I myself don't know what to say. I don't want to see you sad. So don't be sad, ok?
Just want you to know, you are the one I love the most in my whole life. You are the one who brought the greatest joy to me. Thank you for loving me, even though, we could not fulfil the dreams we had together. But I am sure, there will be someone out there who will take care of you for me. Don't think too much ok? No matter what, I will always watch over you in heaven. You will get to see me in heaven one day, right? So cheer up la... =)

There is so much more I want to say to you, but I don't know how to say. But i guess these words sums it all...

I Love You...

Loving you always,
your guardian,

Reading those words, with tears whelmed in his eyes.

And right then, the taxi stopped, and in front of him was Sentosa.

He stepped out of the taxi, took a deep breath, stare into the sky...

He smiled as he start his exciting day ahead of him. Till this day, Angel is still living in his heart, in a very important position, as someone he will forever in love with...

--==[THE END]==--

Monday, May 22, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 7

The time they shared was the most wonderful time they had in their life. Everyday, it was always a better day ahead.

To Ashton, Angel is the best gift God can ever send him. Even when times were difficult, Angel was always by his side. Even though Angel could not comfort him with her voice, but every single time, her smile was enough to motivate him to stand up again. Her smile was just so mesmerizing.

Angel was a very bright student, her result is always less than 10 points for her L1R5, and it is also because of her, Ashton, from a F9 student, improved drastically, to a polytechnic student calibre. Even though, his result may not be able to enter JC, but it is enough for him to enter one of the top courses in every polytechnics offered.

Ashton thought after O' Levels, when Angel entered to the top JC, they would have lesser time together, cause the life of a Junior College student is very busy. But to his surprise, Angel told him, she won't be going to JC, she want to go to the same course in polytechnic as him, so that they can have more time together, and also can help one another out in their studies. For a straight As student to forsake the chance of going to a top JC, and study in polytechnic, where she will face even more pressure due to her disability, to Ashton, it is a waste of her. But no matter how Ashton pursuaded her, she stood firm on her decision. And Ashton was very very touched by the sacrifices she made for him. For where on earth, could he find another girl who will love him as much as Angel does.

The two of them were totally unseperatable, the love they shared was so strong, that nothing could come in between them and set them apart, Ashton thought.

But it all changed when the most tragic happened.

It was already September, O' Levels were drawing near. Due to their promises to study hard for their O' Levels, they had alot of tuition lessons, and remedials, and thus they stopped going out with each other, as they had promised one another.

So they continued to talk to each other through SMSes, and through the Internet. All until 2 weeks before O' Levels, suddenly, Angel as if became missing. She never replied Ashton's SMSes, nor appeared online. Ashton was worried and wondered what happen. He ask Angelina, if anything went wrong with Angel. Angelina's reply to him was just that Angel was very busy with studies, as their mum was very particular about their results, so she could not use computer until her exams are over, and for her phone wise, her phone was spoil, that was why she couldn't reply him. She told him not to worry, just focus on his studies at the mean time.

Ashton didn't suspect anything, and just didn't take it to heart.

Finally, O' Levels was over. Ashton studied the hardest for this time, in his whole entire life. He was so delirious that exams were over, and he could see Angel again. But who knows....

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 6

What is love? Love is a force that keep people going, Love is an energy that give people power to overcome problems, not alone but together. So does true love means smooth sailing? No... In fact true love have even more obstacles than anything else. Problems and difficulties will come your way and test the love a couple share, test the faith each of them have, but the most important is test the willpower of them to move on as one.

So even between Ashton and Angel, would gurantee to have obstacles ahead of them. In fact, only 1 and a half months into the relationship, they met with a super big obstacle already - Parent Objection.

Angel's mum got to know about them when Angelina shared with her. Even though Angelina put in a good word for Ashton, it did not change the impression her mum had. Due to the previous boyfriend Angel had, took advantage of her disablity and cause her to have alot of heartbreaks, her mum sterotyped the guys who were chasing after her as people who will take advantage of her. And thus, she always forbid her to have a boyfriend before entering university.

Since the day her mum found out about them, she was very hostile towards Ashton, forbiding him to see her, and grounded Angel. It was a very tough time for both of them.

At a point of time, in order not to put Angel at a spot, even breaking up came across Ashton's mind. But it was Angel's boldness and perseverance changed his mentality.

There was once, Angel had an argument with her mum over the relationship with Ashton. Her mum insisted Ashton was not a good man for her, as she keep thinking Ashton got with her just to cheat her and take her advantage. Angel love Ashton like no one else, and she trust in him with all she had. The arguement was so serious until, Angel left the house that she grew up in.

For a girl who was a good behaving child, to react in such a way, was totally unbelievable. But deep down in her heart, she knew, she would do anything just for Ashton, cause she knew it was all worth it.

When Ashton got to know about it, on one hand, he was happy cause he know how much he meant to her, on the other hand, he got very worried, as he did not want her relationship with her mum get worsen because of him. Finally, he got the help from his own parents who are very supportive of them.

For the next one week, Angel stayed at Ashton's house, while Ashton's mum informed Angel's mum that she was save and sound, and would encourage her to return home after a week. And throughout this week staying with Ashton's family, Ashton's family got to know her more, and they loved her even more as they found out Angel was really a nice and lovely girl.

Even people may look at it as a big problem ahead, but to both of them, it was a memorable memory to stay under the same roof with someone they loved, seeing each other everyday. Thus, allowing their love for each other to grow even more strong. It was this event, that let them knew, nothing can stop them if they overcome it together.

And after the week had passed, Angel finally return home, and everything got reconciled, through the peacemaking of Ashton's mum. And the biggest miracle was, Angel's mum allowed them together, after seeing the sincerity of Ashton taking care of Angel, and loving her.

And after all that happened, they promised to each other, no matter what, they will overcome everything together, with the love they shared.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 5

Life filled with love is totally different. Ashton felt like a total different person with the power of love.

Everyday he woke up with a smile, looking forward just to see her again.

Because everything happen just too sudden, they decided to keep everything under wraps, and not letting the gang know first, wait until they are more stable in it, then they would announce their relationship.

When they got together, they were having June holidays, so almost everyday, they got to go out with each other. And that month was the sweetest time of Ashton's life. It was because of Angel, Ashton got to experience what was really true love. And both of them got to explore life in a different way, and of course with one another.

Angel knew Ashton's difficulties in his studies, and she offered help to him. And that was the first time Ashton really sat down and concentrate so much on his studies. Guess that is really the power of love. They promised each other that they will help one another to achieve greater grades and make it to Polytechnic or JC. And it was because of this promise, Ashton got to where he is now.

Everytime, they went out, the most important agenda was to study. Even though Ashton did not really like to study at the first place, but he realise, studying with Angel is completely different, it felt so fun to study with the one he love.

Their relationship was kept a secret for weeks, until one day, Angelina felt weird that Angel had been going out with Ashton quite frequently, cause, Angel don't really like to go out, she usually liked to stick at home. And there and then, she saw both of them holding hands near their house in Bedok, and thus the cat got out of the bag.

Back at home, Angelina questioned Angel, and start to tease her about Ashton. And that was part and parcel of being in love.

On the first month anniversary, Ashton got a big suprise for her, he went all the way to her school and fetch her from classes, and brought her to the East Coast Park, as he plan the whole day programmes.

They had their dinner, and after the dinner, they had a night stroll along the beach.

Under the sparkles of the stars, the touch of the sea breeze, at such a romantic night, Ashton hold her tight in his arms.

Right at that moment, they felt like the spotlight were on them, and they were the stars of the night. And right there, he took out something, something that melt Angel's heart totally. He had got her a Perlini Silver's necklace that he had been saving for weeks for it.

Angel teared as she was touched by his love and sincerity. He wore the necklace for her, and at that right moment, they embrace and exchanges kisses. The long, romantic kiss sent their hearts pumping like a speeding bullet. It was the moment, the moment of their lives.

And right there, under the shine of the moon, they embraced into each other arms, as they wait for the morning sun to rise upon their blissful life.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 4

All that happened were carved in their minds.

Seeing each other had become a longing in each other's heart.

Deep in their hearts, they both know, how much does each other means, yet, both of them just keep everything inside of them.

They experience a total new kind of longing for one another. The feeling felt weird, it is something that words couldn't describe.

Back at home, Ashton could not get to sleep. He keep thinking about it. And everytime he thought about Angel, a smile is worn on his face. A smile that depicts bliss and joy.

From then on, everyday, he went online, just to hope to talk to Angel. He would just even sit in front of the monitor, even when Angel was not online, in case she appeared any moment.

Both of them know how one another feel and thinks. But none of them made the first step.

Ashton had been finding for the right opportunity to let Angel knows his heart. But he was too afraid to do anything.

Opporunities came and opportunities go, and still nothing is done.
And finally, the time came, and ironically, it was a time where no one will ever think it is the right timing.

The gang went to Ashton's grandfather's funeral wake. Angel couldn't make it in the morning, so she didn't came. Ashton was disappointed as he was hoping for Angel to appear among the group.

After paying their respects and sat down to chat for awhile, the gang left.

But suddenly, during in the late afternoon, the person that Ashton hope to see so much finally appeared. Ashton's face immediately lit up at the sight of her. He went forward to recieve her.

Ashton's mum came and ask him to introduce his friend to him.

And Ashton suddenly out of a sudden, took out all his courage and grapped Angel's hand and said "Mum, this is my girlfriend, Angel."

Angel got a shock of her life by Ashton's sudden action. But still she was happy about it, and she nodded to Ashton with a smile. And Ashton knew her answer for what he is hoping for, and he too couldn't hid his joy.

And that was the start of a love story that will forever change their lives.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 3

From admiration, they became very close friends. And all others were surpise how they can surpass the communication barrier when one couldn't speak, and the other don't know any sign language. Both of them could like read each other thoughts and feelings, which even Angelina, her twin sister can't achieve that.

Then everything change one day...

Ashton's grandfather pass away. Ashton was at the lowest point of his life, cause his grandfather was closest to him more than anyone else.

Ashton sms Angel, told her that he felt very miserable, a pain that was so pain that words could not describe. Angel
rushed down immediately all the way from her house to find Ashton.

And there he was, sitting on the bench in the playground just next to his house, grief-stricken, with tears in his eyes.

Angel went sitting beside him. She typed on her phone, "Even though, what i say may not help you to feel better, but still I want you to know, I am always here for you no matter what cause you mean alot to me." and showed it to Ashton. She give him a smile, an angelic smile that shine through the heart of Ashton, that brought a glimpse of warmth. And suddenly right there and then, Angel gave him a big tight hug.

It was like time had stopped. Everything around them stayed still. The hug felt like it was forever. The warmth and love Ashton felt, supercede every grief and pain that was hidden in his heart.

Ashton felt it was like God had send an angel to comfort him. And at that very moment, both of them knew, they had fallen in love with each other...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 2

Angel Lim, 16 years old then, from one of the top girls school in Singapore. Having a cheerful and optimistic personality, always putting on a smile facing people around her. But behind her smile hid a painful past and circumstances that no one can understand, yet all that did not pull down her ongoing optimism in her life.

"Hey guys, sorry we are late." Angelina apologized while pulling Angel behind her towards the gang.

"Haha, it's ok. Just that lunch is on you, that's all" laughed Ashton in a cheeky manner.

"I am sorry because was caught in a big jam. Treat you all next time alright?" pleaded Angelina.
"And ya, anyway this is my sister Angel." she added.

"Oh hello." Ashton wave to her as he introduce himself.
"Haha, i was just joking anyway. Don't take it to heart." Ashton replied to Angelina.

Throughout the conversation in the group, Angel always hid behind her sister shyly, didn't even speak a word.

The first impression she gave Ashton was, she seems weird cause all along, Angel always put on a smile at them but never spoke anything nor even mutter any sound. She is just so quiet.

So after a while, he felt curious and finally ask Angelina about her. And that was when everything came clear. Angelina explained that actually her sister is a mute. She couldn't speak due to an traffic accident when she was only 6 years old. Ashton was quite taken aback when he heard that, cause in his mind, he thought, how come such a lovely looking girl, have to experience such tragic accident.

After his doubt was clear, He got to know Angel through another point of perspective. To him, now, he feel Angel is a very strong girl, she can become so cheerful and not be overcomed by her disablity and be able to studied in one of the top schools. All these are not possible without a strong determination and strong personality. Ashton admired her alot.

Throughout that day, both of them were like in their own world, getting to know each other as a new friend. They clicked very well, even though with a disruption of communication. Yet both of them were like so close, understanding what one another means.

From then on, everytime they have a gathering, Angel will always appear with her sister. Cause to her, she find Ashton interesting, cause frankly speaking, he was the first person that didn't look at her with sympathism and really respect her for who she is. And maybe that was the reason why both of them can clicked so well.

As soon after, they start talking to each other through smses and through email. And without himself knowing, Ashton appear in every single gathering just because of Angel. They start to get so close that, they could talk to each other online for hours and hours every single day. But at that point of time, between them were just plain admiration of each other personality and nothing else.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Guardian Angel

Chapter 1

"Hurry up, if not, we will leave without you!" Ashton's mum shouted across the house. They were preparing to leave for Sentosa, for it is a Public Holiday, and they are spending a day having fun out there.

"Give me some time, i am finding my wallet!" replied Ashton as he franticly search for his wallet.

Ashton Tan, a 20 year old youth, who is studying in polytechnic doing his final year.

Running through the messy drawers, he found his wallet, but not only that... Suddenly something caught his eyes... Something familiar. He reach out to it, and memories started to play back in his mind. It was a letter. A letter that was written by someone who meant so important to him. At that moment, it was like time has stop and everything quieten down. Ashton went into deep thoughts. But the silence was broken when his mum urged him to hurry. He grabbed his wallet and the letter in a rush and left the house.

On the journey to Harbourfront, he took out the letter and started reading it in his heart, word by word, memories played in his mind like a movie...

It was 4 years ago... Ashton was still studying in a neighbourhood secondary school, doing his O' Levels that year. All along his secondary school life, he was not really doing well for his studies, and on top of that, mixing around with the wrong company deteroriated his results even more. But one person change all of that, a person who may not seemed significant or abled.

Ashton has another group of good friends: Angelina, Justine, Darren, and Ronald, always wanted Ashton to tag along to study together for their exams. But with his playful character, he had never appeared in any of their study outings. He join them for anything fun except studying.

One day, they were having a day out in bugis planning to catch a movie, and Angelina brought her twin sister, Angel, along with her. That was the first time, Ashton got to know Angel...
I create this blog to jot down all the different love stories that are running through my head... Writing is a very good way to express how you feel... And i believe that my stories will also help me make my creativity rise up to a higher level, regardless of writing just stories or writing songs..

Every song contain a story... and Every story has a song that describes it all...

Love is what all humans are searching for... We use our whole life, on a journey to search for the love... Yes, some people may say... "Love ain't sweet... Love brings bitterness and sorrow..." I believe it is because we are looking for love at the wrong people, wrong timing, and at the wrong place... Life is never certain... Anything can happen... The most important is what perspective are you looking at your own stories... Instead of regretting and blaming things for happening... Why not take a step back, and see things at a different and lighter way... Maybe in that case, you may learn how to appreciate and treasure that feeling more...

Hope you all will enjoy reading it...