Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Endless Regrets
Chapter 7

Sitting on the swing, kicking my legs against the sand, in my head alot of things were going through my mind. What should I say to her? Will she reject me? All these thoughts bombarded my mind.

Suddenly, a gentle tap landed on my shoulder. I turned... And it was her. At that moment, under the lit of the moonlight she appeared so beautiful. A sense of peace came into my heart. All I could focus on was her.

She sat on the swing just next to me and started to swing along. All was just a piece of silence under the glory of the moonlight. Then she stopped, looked straight into my eyes. I didn't know how to react nor what to say to her. I was just trying to escape from her eyes.

After a minute of silence, I finally said something. "I am sorry..." and i paused, looking at her again. I continued and told her all that was in my heart that I actually had fallen for her helplessly, but because of the fear of rejection and making a decision, I avoided her.

I didn't expect her to be my girlfriend but I just hope that our friendship would not be strained.

Before I could finish my sentence. She stared right into my eyes and muttered a word... "Silly..."

"You went through so much just because of this... You silly boy..." she continued.

"Why worry so much? Ain't I standing right in front of you now? And I never say anything about rejecting you. Silly Boy..." she giggled cheekily.

I was very surprised. Right at that moment, my mind was just in a blank. No words could explain how I feel right at that moment. Sitting there on the swing, we just kept on laughing and giggling to ourselves sillyly as we hold our hands together while swinging gently through the night....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Endless Regrets
Chapter 6

I tried to reason with myself that it was all but just a crush, that sooner or later that feeling towards her would subside. But just like the song sang; day after day, time passed away, I still couldn't get her off my mind. Each time I thought about her, the longing for her grew stronger. Sometimes i did wondered how would it be, if she really becomes my girlfriend.

All these internal struggles went on for weeks. Sometimes I really wished that I could tell her face to face... but I was just too fearful. Afraid that I would not have the confidence to give her happiness, and most of all, scared of rejection. With so many doubts and fear in my head, procrastination set in again and again.

I felt like such a coward, not facing the true feelings deep with in me bravely. She too started to feel that I was being indifferent to her. I just shook her off by saying that everything was alright, just that I was rather busy with school work that period of time.

One night, I couldn't withstand the burden anymore. I told myself that no matter what the outcome would become, I don't want to hide anymore.

It was already 9 pm, I gave her a call. I asked her if she was free to meet up at the usual park we always went to have a talk. She wondered for a moment and agreed.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Endless Regrets
Chapter 5

From then on, don't know how and why, we started to have more time to meet up and go out together. I guess everything was just falling in place. It had been a very long time since I got to know a person who understand me so much and feel the same as I do.

We started to meet up and even go to church together as she change her service to the same service that I attended. Every single Sunday, without fail, we would meet at the park near our house and walk to the bus interchange to take the bus to church. And don't know why, I was always looking forward to this time of the week even though it was just a short 10 minute walk.

We would always tease each other, calling each other names. Whenever who was on the verge on losing to the other side, it would turn out to become another "Tickling War" again. We behaved like kids on the bus, as if we were the only one on board of it.

Times like this were never forgetable. And gradually, I realised I had missed her a little too much, thought of her a little too much.

I had fallen for her............

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Endless Regrets
Chapter 4

Everywhere were crowded with people. The whole place was filled with fun and excitement. Knowing which section she was at, I slowly made my way to the games section. My heart was pumped with anxiety yet excitement as I tried to find that familiar silhouette. How am I going to approach her? Will she recognize who I am? Browsing from stall to stall, finally I found her. She was standing there trying to get the crowd to patronize her stall.

She looked exactly like the same as in the photos. This awkwardness start to overwhelm me as I don't know how to approach her. Pushing myself forward through the crowd as I dragged my feet, I went ahead and gave her a weird slow.... "hi". She recognized me and straight away, she handed over all her work to her classmate and went around showing me her school.

From the parade square, we went to the canteen, the assembly hall, to the different classroom blocks, before setting down at the track and field stands, and chatted there. Time just continue passed without control, and before we knew it. It was already 3 o'clock. I got to make a move then as I had an appointment. I enjoyed the day very much as I could finally meet up with this good friend of mine.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Endless Regrets
Chapter 3

I first got to know her through the internet, IRC was one of the hottest thing around then. We chatted online and realised that she stayed very near me and her school was just 1 street away from my house. And more than that, She actually attends the same church as I am just that we were in different service only.

We had alot of things in common; having a passion for singing, similar likes and dislikes, having similar opinions on different stuff. All these were the catalyst to the strengthening of this friendship.

And slowly, we divert from not only communicating through internet, but to phone call as well. Everytime we talked on the phone, hours passed like minutes. And all were just still a mere plain friendship.

We didn't have the chance to meet up due to clashing schedules with the irony of we staying so near each other. But the opportunity finally came when she invited me to her school carnival one day....

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Endless Regrets
Chapter 2

The rainy season is here again. Sitting on the chair facing the window with the rain pallets hitting against the metal window frame relentlessly, I stared into the sky filled with unfriendly clouds. The whole room was filled with this strange ordour of the rain and with this scenario, my mind started to drift again.

And at that moment, there was only her that existed in my mind. All the times we spent together, rolled like a tape in my head. Every single thing that happened between us were not left out in this retracing of the past.

To me, she was always a sweet and kind girl. Her smile, her eyes, no words could be used to describe her beauty. She was not like any other girls i used to know. There was just something special about her that seperates her from the crowd. Something that attracted me to her that much...